Information for Our Patients

Preparing for Your Upcoming Visit
Our professional, dedicated, and caring staff is committed to making your upcoming visit as comfortable and easy as possible. A member of our staff will contact you prior to your scheduled procedure to go over the details of your surgery, including arrival times, medical history for anesthesia, and to answer any questions you may have. Due to HIPPA Privacy Laws, we will not be able to speak with anyone about your surgery or medical history unless we first receive your permission.
Call Us With Questions
Preparing for Your Surgery
Day of Surgery
After Your Procedure
After Receiving Anesthetic Medication
You must postpone the following activities for 24 hours after discharge:
- Driving and Operating Equipment
- Signing Important Papers
- Making Significant Decisions
- Drinking Alcoholic Beverages
You may save time on your day of surgery by reviewing the following information before your visit.
Pay Your Account Here
Payment types accepted include: Cash, Check, Cashier’s Check or Money Order, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, and CareCredit.